- "'You're a traitor!' yelled the boy. 'You're a thought criminal! You're a Eurasian spy! I'll shoot you' ... Why can't we go and see the hanging?' roared the boy in his huge voice." (p. 23)
Orwell creates this frightening scene with Mrs. Parson's children as a tactic to show readers the potential of a totalitarian society. In
1984, at such a young age, children were preached the purpose of the Party. Children, being significantly more
susceptible to obey anything they are taught, follow these rules and become brainwashed at a very young age. The most saddening part of this scene is that the children find violence as a source of entertainment. The future of Oceania is within this generation, and without a doubt, the Party is succeeding in their desire to manipulate the mind's of it's citizens.