- "Poor Peter, thought Sally. Why did not Clarissa come and talk to them? That was what he was longing for. She knew it. All the time he was thinking only of Clarissa, and was fidgeting with his knife." (p. 191-192)
Throughout the novel, Peter Walsh carries a pocket knife and it always appears in the presence of Clarissa. The knife is a very significant symbol showing Peter's discomfort in certain situations regarding Clarissa. The constant fidgeting shows his insecurities and lack of confidence, as well as his inability to make commitments. Virginia Woolf creates this symbol for Peter's character as it shows he needs a security item in order to endure Clarissa's presence.
Photo Credit:
Blogger.com. Web. 27 Sept. 2009. http://www.skybluesoccer.com/var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/media/images/nervous/30677-1-eng-US/nervous_large.gif.
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