- "He had not yet imagined that a woman would dare to speak so to a man. For me, I felt at home in this sort of discourse. I could never rest in communication with strong, discreet, and refined minds, whether male or female ... very hearthstone." (p. 380)
Charlotte Bronte incorporates the issue of gender inequality throughout the novel. Jane Eyre is faced with various men who attempt to restrict her from being opinionated. During this time period, men were often the ones in power and who controlled most situations. This passage illustrates Jane's ambition and confidence when addressing men. Unlike most woman in this age, Jane never constrained her feelings. Charlotte Bronte is able to express her view on women
stereotypes through Jane's character - a strong-willed, bold, independent young woman.
Photo Credit:
Gender and Frugality. Photograph.
The Non-Consumer Advocate. Web. 1 Dec. 2009. http://thenonconsumeradvocate.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/men-vs-women-jpg.jpeg.
nice -- I like you phrase Bronte's use of Jane as her vehicle