- "But Paradise Lost excited different and far deeper emotions.” (p. 115)
The monster acquired
Paradise Lost, an epic poem written by the English poet, John Milton. Victor and the monster closely compare to God, Adam, and Satan in Milton’s poem. Although the meaning behind
Frankenstein and
Paradise Lost is very different, Shelley intends the characters to connect in various ways. Victor is similar to God, in the sense that they were both creators - although Victor is more selfish. The monster is much like Adam; both were born without evil intentions, but throughout time their emotions took over their mind. Like Satan, the monster was created a good creature, but fell from the hands of his creator. Both Satan and the monster were shunned and never accepted by their creators.
(Works Cited)
"Comparing Character Traits in Paradise Lost and Frankenstein."
Associated Content. Web. 6 Aug. 2009.
(Photo Credit)
Driven to Excel. Web. 13 Sept. 2009. http://edweb.fdu.edu/folio/GodinJ/Website/ParadiseLost.jpg.
Milton paradise. Photograph.
Wikipedia. Web. 13 Sept. 2009. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Milton_paradise.jpg.
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