- “I began to feel slightly uneasy. You know I am not used to such ceremonies, and there was something ominous in the atmosphere … the other scrutinizing the cheery and foolish faces with unconcerned old eyes.” (p. 45-46)
The description of this passage clearly reveals Marlow’s fear and anxiety towards his upcoming trip. As the two women knit, Marlow becomes very uncomfortable. Their stares and quick glances appear to him like he is under the watch of someone. The reader is misled as it appears the women are fearful for the men about to travel the Congo, by knitting feverishly and staring with intensity. However, in reality, the women don’t seem to care about the dangers that await them because they see different men walk in and out every single day. Conrad perfectly illustrates an uncomfortable atmosphere by the actions of the characters and the setting of the scene.
(Photo Credit)
Old Women Knitting Punk Slogans. Photograph.
Glitty Knitty Kitty. Web. 13 Sept. 2009. http://www.glittyknittykitty.co.uk/archive/banksy_grannies.jpg.
nice reading of the selection -- and a great illustration -- I'm wondering if it matters if Conrad 'perfectly' does this or not