- "'But I apprised you that I was a hard man,' said he; 'difficult to persuade.' 'And I am a hard woman, -- impossible to put off.' 'And then,' he pursued, 'I am cold; no fevour infects me.' 'Whereas I am hot, and fire dissolves ice.'" (p. 390)
Charlotte Bronte incorporates some of the reoccurring symbols throughout the novel, fire and ice, to describe Jane Eyre and Mr. St. John's character. Here, Mr. St. John is perfectly described as he is shown to be a cold-hearted, cruel person. He claims nothing can affect him, yet Jane states that "fire dissolves ice." Jane is truly a passionate, determined, and fiery young woman. She accomplishes what she is after and has no problem expressing her opinion. In the excerpt, Bronte implies that Jane has the ability to break down Mr. St. John until she obtains what she wants, much like fire is capable of melting ice.
Photo Credit:
Fire and Ice. Photograph.
Google. Web. 29 Nov. 2009. http://ladyfi.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/fire-n-ice.jpg
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