- "'What would uncle Reed say to you, if he were alive?' was my scarcely voluntary demand. I say scarcely voluntary, for it seemed as if my tongue pronounced words without my will consenting to their utterance: something spoke out of me over which I had no control." (p. 27)
Throughout the novel, Jane Eyre is portrayed as a strong-willed, forceful woman who is never afraid of expressing what's on her mind. This excerpt captures Jane's habit of blurting out her most recent feeling. Her blunt personality may lead her to occasional trouble, but she continuously remains honest with herself and others. Unlike the lack of communication in books such as "Mrs.
Dalloway" and "The Hours," where the characters emotions are locked up, Charlotte Bronte allows Jane to be direct and frank with whomever she speaks with. By doing so, Bronte
emphasizes the importance of being true to yourself, following your intuition, and communicating your feelings.
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Career Faqs. Web. 29 Nov. 2009. http://www.careerfaqs.com.au/images/articles/1323/large/Facebook_hand_covering_mout.jpg.
And in so doing, what point does Bronte drive home?