Saturday, August 29, 2009

Heart of Darkness 15

  • “And you say, Absurd! Absurd be - exploded! Absurd! My dear boys, what can you expect from a man who out of sheer nervousness had just flung overboard a pair of new shoes!” (p. 90)
This emotional outbreak is the result of Marlow’s decision to throw a brand new pair of shoes into the ocean having heard the death of Kurtz. This selfish act, disposing something that many other men in his situation would dream of having, shows how desperately Marlow wanted to meet and talk with Kurtz. However, after performing that ridiculous act, Marlow agrees that his behavior was “absurd” and out of pure disappointment. Conrad purposely includes this situation in the novel to prove to readers that acting on impulse from frustration or anger sometimes results in immature and dangerous consequences.

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