Saturday, August 29, 2009

Heart of Darkness 20

  • “He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision - he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath - ‘The horror! The horror!’” (p. 115)
“The horror! The horror!” The last words Kurtz spoke certainly stand out to the reader, clearly marking some significance to Kurtz’s life. The reader can interpret this line in a few ways, but it appears Conrad intends for Kurtz to either be reminiscing on his past or preparing for his future. If Kurtz is referring to his past, he might finally recognize the dark experiences he endured/pursued. On the other hand, Kurtz possibly says this line to inform the reader of the horror/torture his future might hold for him.

(Works Cited)
"Heart of Darkness Group." Http:// Web. 26 Aug. 2009.

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